I use this type of code:
# -- Set script's parameters, if any
$parms= @("aaaa","bbbb")
# -- Calling powershell, in native mode
$p = Powershell {
# ... Your code... check $args for parameters
# -- Return a result object, for instance:
$ret = @{returnCode=0; returnMsg="OK"; aaa=$args[0]; bbb=$args[1]}
return $ret
} -args $parms
# -- If need: Set local variables from returned object
echo "returnCode=$rcode; returnMsg=$rmsg; aaaa=$a; bbbb=$b"
Then we can run the SCOM task in the following way:
$p = Powershell {
# ...........................................................................
# -- Logging: Activate for debugging purposes.
# ...........................................................................
Function Msg
$dt = Get-Date –f "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
$msg="$dt | $args"
$sw = new-object system.IO.StreamWriter($MSG_LOGFILE,1)
if ($MSG_SHOW) { write-host $msg }
# ...........................................................................
# -- SCOM Parameters
# -- MS where to connect
$SCOM_MS="<Insert MS>"
# -- Instance: Normally the server's name where to run the task
$SCOM_INSTANCE="<Insert server name>"
# -- Task to execute
$SCOM_TASK="<Insert task name>"
# -- Task's parameters / overrides
$SCOM_TASKPARMS=@{ <... Insert parameters, if any ... > }
Msg "Starting SCOM TASK * Instance:$SCOM_INSTANCE * Task:$SCOM_TASK"
# -- Initialize
Import-module operationsmanager
New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection –ComputerName $SCOM_MS
$Instances = Get-scomclass -name Agent.Management.Class | Get-SCOMClassInstance | ? {$_.Displayname -eq $SCOM_INSTANCE}
$Task = Get-SCOMTask -name $SCOM_TASK
# -- Execute task
$exec = Start-SCOMTask -Task $Task -Instance $Instances -Override $SCOM_TASKPARMS
$startDate = Get-Date
Msg "Task Started * Exec ID:$($exec.ID)"
# -- Wait for completion
do {
start-sleep -s 6
$r=Get-SCOMTaskResult -Id $exec.ID
Msg "Task $($exec.ID) * Waiting for completion * Current status:$($r.status)"
} while ($r.status -ne "Succeeded" -and $startDate.AddMinutes(2) -gt (Get-Date))
# -- Return
Msg "Task $($exec.ID) * Result:$($r.status) * Output:$($r.Output)"
$ret = @{returnCode=0; returnMsg=$r.Output}
if($r.status -ne "Succeeded") { $ret.returnCode=1 }
return $ret
# ...........................................................................
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