Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Using a LINUX machine for receiving SNMP traps

Linux machines present normally better performance receiving SNMP traps than Windows machines, so if you need to receive traps, the best way of doing it might be by using a dedicated Linux machine.

This Linux machine is in turn monitored by SCOM, via the SCOM agent for Linux.

We will use this agent to generate the alerts from SNMP traps:


1- Preparing the LINUX system
   Ensure that the NET-SNMP package is installed.

Edit the file /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf, bellow is my default conf: the received traps are always logged to /var/log/snmptrapd.log
disableAuthorization yes
authCommunity log public
logoption f /var/log/snmptrapd.log
logoption s 2

2- Create a management pack that reads alerts from files and inserts them into SCOM

This MP can check, for instance, ~monuser/alerts/new and if there are any files then it inserts them into SCOM, as alerts. The data inside these files must follow a predefined format, such as:
Alert Severity | Alert Priority | Alert name | Alert description | <Other fields you need> ...
Once a file is processed it is removed or moved to other directory.

3- Insert the MIB file into the LINUX system

This is made by placing the mib file into a certain path, normally /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs

Then edit /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf and add the following line:
# Read mib file
mibfile /usr/share/snmp/mibs/<your mib file>   

4- Develop a shell script, for instance named trap2scom.sh, for receiving trap data and creating alert files

It should be something like:
read host
read ip
while read oid val
   val=$(echo $val | tr -dc '[:print:]')
   oid=$(echo $oid | tr -dc '[:print:]')
   vars="$vars$oid = $val
   oid=${oid// /\_}
   oid=$(echo ${oid// /\_} | tr -dc '[:alnum:]_')
   eval "Var_$oid=$val"
#  Create alert file with the following fields:
#     owner | origin (device) | severity | priority | name | description |!|
cd ~monuser/alerts/new
echo  "SNMP_Trap | $host | 0 | 1 | $1 | $vars" '|!|'  > $FOUT
chown monuser $FOUT

Note: This is the default behavior but this script also sets the trap's bind variables as script variables (named Var_<bind variable>) so you can use them to check certain values before creating the alert. Also the severity might depend on a certain variable. For instance:
if [ "$Var_Severity" -eq "critical" ]
   # Create a critical alert ....

5- Edit again the file /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf and add handles for the traps you want to process

traphandle <your-mib>::<trap-name> <path-to-your-script>/trap2scom.sh MyAlert

Finally restart the daemon snmptrapd. In RedHat the command is:

service snmptrapd restart

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